In the midst of dealing with the rising outbreak of Corona virus and the circumstances arising out of the lockdown, PM Modi addressed the Mann Ki Baat program at 11 am today. In the 63rd Mann Ki Baat edition, PM Modi first apologized for the problems faced by the people due to the lockdown and said that it was necessary to save the country and the countrymen. PM Modi said in the Mann Ki Baat program that the fight against the corona virus is a fight between life and death and we must win this battle. He said that in the present situation, you all need to increase social distancing and decrease emotional distancing. He also thanked the front-line Soldiers who contributed to the war against Corona. So let's know the important things about PM Modi's mind ....
1. At the beginning of the Mann Ki Baat program, PM Modi said that first of all I apologize to all the countrymen and my soul says that you will definitely forgive me, because some decisions have to be taken, due to which you have many types Difficulties have to be raised. Especially if I look at my poor brothers and sisters, then I definitely think that they must think what a prime minister is like, put us in this trouble. I especially apologize to him.
2. PM Modi said that many people will also be angry with me how they have kept everyone locked in the house. I understand your problems, I also understand your problems, but a country with a population of 130 crores like India had no way without taking these steps for the fight against Corona.
3. He said that the fight against Corona is a fight between life and death and in this battle we have to win and hence these were very necessary to take drastic steps. Nobody likes to take such steps but after seeing the situation of the world, it seems that this is the only way left. You have to keep your family safe.
4. PM Modi further said that it has been said here, 'And and disorder: Api Tarunha Sadhyate Sukhan'. That is, the disease and its nature should be dealt with in the beginning. Later the diseases become incurable then the treatment becomes difficult and today the whole of India is doing the same to every Indian.
5. PM Modi said that brothers, sisters, mothers and elderly corona virus has imprisoned the world. It is challenging everyone with knowledge, science, poor, rich, weak, powerful. It is neither bound by the borders of the nation nor does it see any region nor any weather. This virus is sitting on the insistence of killing a human being, and therefore all people, all of mankind, have to unite together to resolve this virus.
6. Prime Minister Modi asked the countrymen to show courage and determination, an appeal to follow the 'Laxman Rekha' for many more days. PM Modi said that we have to understand that in the present situation, only social distance is to be maintained from each other and not emotional or human distance.
7. PM Modi said that some people feel that if they are following the lockdown then by doing this they are helping others like it. This confusion is not correct. This lockdown is for your own survival. You have to protect yourself, protect your family. Right now you have to show patience like this for many days to come, you have to follow Lakshman Rekha.
'Increase social distance, decrease emotional distance', know what PM Modi said in 10 points in mind
8. PM Modi said that I also know that no one wants to break the law, does not want to break the rules, but some people are doing it because they still do not understand the seriousness of the situation. Such people will say that if they break the rules of lockdown then it will be difficult to avoid corona virus. Many people around the world had a similar happiness. Today they are regretting it all.
9. PM Modi said that there are many warriors of this fight who are fighting the corona virus by staying outside the houses, not in the houses. Which are our front line solders. Especially our nurses are sisters, nurses are brothers, doctors are, mercury are medical staff. There are companions who have defeated Corona. Today we have to take inspiration from them.
10. Today, when I see the sacrifice, penance, dedication of the doctors, I remember what Acharya Charak said. Acharya Charak has said the exact thing for the doctors and today we are seeing that in the life of our doctors. Acharya Charaka has said, "Not self-respecting, self-respecting, amazing compassion". Vartate Yattikyas Sarvarm Iti Vararatate. That is, he works with compassion, not for money and any special wish, but to serve the patient, he is the best doctor.